Bible Way Baptist Church

18 Heard St Auburn MA 01501


Thank you for dropping by. Bible Way Baptist is a small but active and growing local New Testament church located right here in the small town of Auburn MA. Because of its location we are known by the locals as the "church in the valley".  The church was organized by 8 members on July 4th 1993 and has been growing ever since. 


The preaching is primarily expositional preaching through whole books of the Bible with some topical, and doctrinally specific sermons on occasion.


We strive to keep Christ central in our preaching and teaching ministry. Of course the Bible is central in all teaching/preaching ministries in the church and strongly encouraged in the home. Strong families equals strong churches equals a strong society. 

Our worship time begins with responsive reading from the Scriptures, followed by our song service. The sermon will vary in length. We dismiss from the service with a Benediction. 


We are not political, there is a place for that, its just not the pulpit.  We endeavor to cultivate a Christ centered, God honoring, Holy Spirit adoring time together around the preaching and teaching of God's Holy word. 


In obedience to the Great Commission as outlined in Matthew 28 and Mark 16 Bible Way Baptist is engaged in a number of outreach ministries including street preaching, tract distribution, door to door evangelism, nursing homes, radio ministry etc.  These have been encouragement to many.


If you are looking for a church where you can grow, serve, and fellowship drop by and pay us a visit.  We have number of young families and Sunday School for all ages. We encourage families to worship together. I believe this is how God would have us worship and therefore there is no Junior Church for the morning service. 


Be sure to check out the rest of the website and remember to tune in to "Holding Fast the Faithful Word" on WVNE 760 AM on Saturday mornings at 9:30 and Sunday mornings at 8:30. - Pastor Tim





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